Have you ever heard the words, “You are Different”? Have you ever thought to yourself, what do they mean? Did it ever bother you at some point in your life? If you can relate to any of these questions, let’s understand this together.
Different is defined as being distinct or separate according to the dictionary. In other words, there is something unique about you that separates you from the norm. Before I truly understood that it was ok to be different, I thought there was something wrong with me. For years I looked inward to discover what is it that everyone else sees about me that causes them to place me in a group that is different from their own. For just a brief moment I even questioned if I wanted to fit in. I found it hard to fit in crowds. I would always be the one that got looked over or even teased for being different. Hmmm…. this was very interesting as a little girl. It did not stop as a little girl, this followed me into my adult life.
I always thought I was a nice person with a good heart and good intentions. I had goals, values, beliefs and standards even as a little girl. If I did not agree with it and it was not going to better me or build my character, I chose not to get involved. I was friendly and loving and willing to share at all times. I guess you can say I was the girl that stuck to herself due to desiring to go to college, not wanting to smoke or hang out but just wanting to have some clean fun while in high school. I guess that just wasn’t fun enough. Having lots of friends just wasn’t my fortune; however I had a best friend since third grade and today we are still friends. She always understood me and never mistreated me or desired for me to be different. My other best friend is also my cousin. We grew up like sisters and even though we were miles away, we always kept in touch. Still to this day we are closer than ever even still miles apart. Does this sound similar to your life story?

It wasn’t until one day in bible study we were studying what it meant to be set apart for Christ. Keep in mind, now I am in my early 20’s. Deuteronomy 14:2 states For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth. God has chosen a set of people to be peculiar. Peculiar is defined as being particular or special. When there is something peculiar about you, it always separates you from the norm and it is not always physically seen. Yahweh has a chosen people that he chooses not to fit in because he has an assignment for them that only they can fulfill for the kingdom. He will not let his vessel get contaminated with anything or anyone else that will cause him/her to be led astray. The crowd leads to destruction, but the one who follows the commandments of the Lord shall be bless. The scriptures also declare that many are called, but few are chosen (Matthew 22:14). In other words not everyone is chosen to be peculiar.
As a young girl, it may have been your desire to want to fit in and be liked by many, but even then when there is an inner pull that is leading your life, at some point that desire to fit in starts to slowly dissipate. It is called the holy spirit. The holy spirit will assist in confirming who you are and whose you are. There is also a certain level of confidence that comes with knowing who you are. Once I built a relationship with God and begin to request who I was in Him, it was at that moment that it was confirmed that Yahweh shielded me from the crowd my entire life. It was Him that was building me to know what it is like to survive in the world but not be of the world. It was ok to not compromise to be liked. It was ok to be talked about because you did not want to do what others wanted you to do that was against your beliefs or values. Of course there will be some, no many moments of loneliness and misunderstandings. There will even be moments where you may hear, you think you are all that. Dare to be different! The moment Yahweh strengthened me by telling me I was His child and that He created me for His workmanship and that I was His vessel to spread the gospel and that my validation was from Him, I no longer lived to please others. Nor did I compromise the TRUTH to be apart of something that was not edifying to the kingdom. I will admit there were moments of disappointments and even hurt for standing for what I believed in, but it is Yahweh that I will have to answer to in the end. Stand for righteousness no matter what! Be you no matter what! You will love yourself for not compromising. A fake person will eventually break in the process, but a real person will always rise.
Words of Affirmation:
- I am a child of God.
- There is no one else like me in the earth.
- I am meant to be peculiar.
- I am not meant to fit into anything that does not bring Yahweh edification.
- My hair, color, shape, attire nor my makeup defines who I am.
- If I have to compromise to fit in, the cost it too expensive.
- I am fearfully and wonderfully made just the way that I am.
- You will only confirm what Yahweh has already defined! Anything contrary is unacceptable!
The next time you hear the words that you are different, embrace it and say yes I am. I was made to be different because I am a peculiar being that belongs to Yahweh. Confidence in who you are is healthy, but pride will lead to destruction. Never give someone the authority to define you! Your decisions will be made based on how you feel about yourself. Different is power when it is Yahweh led.
Dare To Be Different!
This was an awesome read. Thanks for the comment about me and Lisa. We love you for who you are and whose you are. Keep being the YOU God crested you to be.
Thanks buddy. That means a lot. You are welcome. It is the truth. I truly value y’all two and the additional genuine friends I have gained along this journey called life. I sure will. Love you.
Awesome read. Keep them coming. You are doing a wonderful job encouraging the body of Christ.
Thank you so much! Will do! To God be the glory!
This was truly an awesome read. I can say I have had some very similar situations in my life. But I too realized latee in life that God actually did set me apart and yes I am different.
Thank you for allowing God to use you.
Thanks my friend. Yes you are set apart and different. You are welcome and to God be the glory! I appreciate your comment. It is our differences that set us apart.