Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.
In the beginning Yahweh informed Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply. Not only was this command to reproduce children but to also be fruitful and multiply in every area of their lives. This plan is still true for us as well. The moment conception takes place there is an assignment already assigned to your precious growing baby. They have an appointed time to enter the world to fulfill that assignment.
Each child you carry has a purpose. As the scripture states in Psalm 127:3, children are an heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward. Heritage is defined as an inheritance that is passed down from one generation to the next. In other words children are an inheritance from the Lord. Given the opportunity to carry a child is a heritage of the Lord. Pregnancy is a gift. The womb is an incubator of life. As a mom it is our job to ensure that the womb is secure and nurtured at all times. We must be mindful what we eat, what environments we are in and we must ensure that we stay away from stress as much as possible. We have constant doctor appointments to make sure our little ones are being cultivated appropriately. The womb is the environment that sustains their life until they enter the earth through birth. Our babies eat what we eat and they feel what we feel. Moms we are their life source.
Within the first three months of pregnancy or so or even prior a mom has many decisions to make. The world has created options such as abortion, adoption, surrogacy, etc. Babies are born to single moms, widows, married women, and sometimes to women on drugs. Some are conceived in love via sex, planned, implanted, unexpected or sometimes through rape. Either way the baby is conceived, he/she has a purpose. It is up to the mom or mom and dad to determine the next steps of this child’s life. Babies are either born, miscarried, aborted or voluntarily killed to provoke a miscarriage. Decisions, decisions, decisions. The desire would be to let the baby live.
Each pregnancy is different based on the needs of that child. Some women have morning sickness and some women don’t. Some women become anemic, develop preeclampsia, develop gestational diabetes, become hospitalized or deliver prematurely before becoming full term. As a women carrying a baby is not always a piece of cake, but they are worth the process. It is the parents responsibility to ensure God’s inheritance is cultivated to enter the world and complete their assignment.
Would you change your mind about having your baby if you knew they were the next president, lawyer, doctor, millionaire etc? Would you have spent more time with your child if you knew this was their outcome as an adult? Seeking God for every child you carry will enable you a glimpse into their future as to who they were designed to be. You can even discover their assignment before birth by making that request known to God. As you train up that child, you can create an environment that cultivates the skills needed for that child to be successful as an adult in purpose.
Since every child has a purpose, seek Yahweh to know who you are carrying and cultivate their environment accordingly.
Be blessed and know that even you have a purpose! You made it and that is more reason to give God all you got as He directs your path. Love on purpose! Please feel free to comment and come back from time to time to read the latest content. Thanks for your support and please share with others.
Remember babies are an inheritance from the Lord!