Our first born was 2 years old and my husband and I decided that we wanted another baby. When we found out that we were pregnant, we were ecstatic. I always wanted a boy first and then my little girl. I took the pregnancy test at home alone. Once my husband came home from work, I had dinner fixed and I proceeded to give him a letter. Within the letter it expressed how awesome of a father he was and how excited I was for him to become a father once again. He was like quit lying, are you serious? I said yes sir, you are going to be a father again. He started smiling and gave me a big hug. We both hugged on Cp and smiled from ear to ear. We scheduled the first appointment to confirm the pregnancy and sure enough we were pregnant. Hearing our baby heartbeat for the first time bought tears to my eyes. My husband was ecstatic to know that there was an actual baby with a heartbeat in my womb. We left the doctor’s office and discussed how we would share this pregnancy news with the family. We agreed to wait until after 3 months and make an announcement like we did with our first born.
We had our first born a birthday party and during the saying of the grace my husband said we are so excited to announce that we are having baby number 2. Family and friends were so excited for us. Several of my friends at the party wanted to know if I was nervous to have another baby and to discover if I was scared. I informed them that this was a joint decision and we are actually excited. We decided to wait until after we made the announcement to the family before we announced it to our other friends and coworkers.
This pregnancy was a little different than the first one. This time, the first 6 weeks I had this funny taste in my mouth that would not just go away, no matter what I ate. I said to myself, this has definitely got to be a girl because I do not remember having this before. We waited until my 12 week checkup to get an ultrasound to determine what we were having. She cooperated and it was discovered that we were having a girl. The spirit informed me that she was going to be a warrior in the spirit and we needed to find a name that meant warrior. I ran one particular name by my husband and explained what it meant and he was fine with it. Her first name means “Lioness of God” and her middle name means Christ bearer. We did not share her name with anyone until after she as born. Just like Cp, we had four baby showers thrown for her by my family, coworkers, ministry and my in-laws. We were overwhelmed with gifts again this time. As you can see in the picture below Cp was ecstatic to have a little sister and being under his dad stomach was an awesome caption.

After the baby shower, we took maternity shots. The photos included my husband and my son. We did maternity shots with our first born as well and wanted to keep the tradition going. Because this photo shoot was after the baby shower, close family members were able to share in this special occasion. I always felt like pregnancy was one of the most beautiful moments of a woman’s body, carrying life. This was a moment that I wanted our daughter to see as she got older that we were so excited to meet her. Below are two of the many shots that we took that day.

It was on March 5, 2014 that my husband and I agreed to get induced. My husband, our son, myself and my mom arrived at the hospital at 6:00am for the procedure to start. This time we agreed that we wanted less people as possible for her birth to ensure I was able to get some rest prior to having guest arrive. Once I was added to the monitor, the nurse stated that I was already in labor. I was 2 centimeters dilated for over a month before I went in to get induced. They decided to hold back on starting the medicine in my IV to see if I would progress on my own. Needless to say, I started to progress on my own while they monitored me and the baby. My husband and I agreed that we did not want a long labor process and sure enough it was not. I was fully dilated and was ready to push when the nurse stated do not push because there is another female ahead of you that the doctor is with delivering her baby at the same time. Because I had an epidural I was not sure if I was pushing or not; however I did as she said to not push. Once the doctor came in, I pushed at least 3 to 4 times and baby girl was here. After holding her for a while and taking some pictures, they took her to the nursery to clean her up and my mom and son met my husband there and took pictures for me as well as they prepared me for a room. I couldn’t stop crying because the Lord had done it once again with giving us another healthy baby and she was beautiful. Once I was settled in the room; they bought her to me. Our son met her for the first time and the first thing he did was kiss her. We were able to capture the picture on camera and we also have the picture in baby girl’s photo book. Their relationship is still a very close bond. Thanks for reading about the beginning of life for our second born.