My husband and I love children and we desire to be fruitful and multipy God’s gifts in the earth realm. We finally agreed to have four kids. It was timing we realized we had no control over. It was all up to God for when He wanted His next gift to be released into the earth realm. We prayed together for Yahweh to open my womb again and allow me to carry them full-term. We tried in confidence and at the appointed time, I took a test and it was positive. As with the previous baby, I handed him a letter to inform him that he was a great dad and how proud I was for him to be a father again. It was the same reaction. Are you serious? We did not expose the news to Cp or Boom Boom until after our first doctor appointment to confirm the heartbeat. We did not make the announcement as we did for the other two. We told family and friends individually. We were overjoyed to be pregnant again.
This pregnancy was just like the last one. I went through a period of a few weeks where I had this nasty taste in my mouth and I knew this must be another girl and of course it was confirmed that she was a girl. My husband was believing for a boy but was grateful for who Yahweh gave us. It was a couple months of my pregnancy that we found out my husband was going to be deployed for 6 months and would miss the birth of this baby. All types of emotions came over me. Despite my emotions I had such a strong support around me that had endured the exact same experience. It was immediately that I turned to God (Yahweh) in prayer to get me through this next phase in my life. Not only would I have to birth a new baby without my husband, I would have to raise two other children as well. This time we decided to do a gender reveal. This was a first for us and we both had to keep a secret. With time moving fast we had several celebrations to complete before the hubby left. It was my initial sermon, gender reveal and hubby going away celebration that we had to plan all together. We had the initial sermon first and then the gender reveal/baby shower/going away party was immediately afterwards. It was to my surprise that my husband also had something else up his sleeves.
We had everyone come outside for the gender reveal and we had my mom and my husband’s mom announce the gender. We released pink and blue balloons to throw everyone off to think we were having twins. In the bottom of the big gift box was an envelope and in the envelope was the ultrasound with the sex of the baby on it. My mom and mother in law announced to everyone that we were having a girl… Immediately after the announcement, my husband said I have an announcement. He said everyone knows I will not be here for the birth of this baby and I will miss my wife’s birthday. He begin to tell me how much he loved me and appreciated me and wanted to give me my birthday present early. I turned around and there was a brand new burgundy Yukon Denali XL with a huge red bow on top of it waiting for me. I immediately broke down into tears. Mind you I had been crying all day because at the end of my initial sermon he sung to me. I was threw afterwards…. The tears continued to flow even as I sat in the front seat of my new truck I desired at least 2 years ago. It was in my favorite color with all the added features. Cp wanted the next vehicle to have dvd players and it did. We were a traveling family. Our guest were ecstatic as well and some were even in tears.
My birthday was coming up in September and I wanted to have a huge birthday dinner at my favorite Japanese restaurant. I asked baby girl please let mommy enjoy her birthday celebration before you come. All of my babies were born at 38 weeks. She allowed me to enjoy my birthday on the 7th and she came on the 12th. I went into labor at about 4:45am. I was lying in the bed and a sharp pain hit me out of no where. I sat up on the side of the bed and the pain continued immediately. I called my mom who was over an hour away and told her I was in labor. She said I am on my way. The other two kids were asleep. I called my cousin/sister to let her know that I was in labor and could she come and get me and take me to the hospital and then take the kids to school afterwards. My contractions went from 5 minutes apart to 3 minutes apart within 20 minutes. She said I am not going to make it in time; we must call an ambulance. I labored up and down a flight of 15 stairs because I wanted to make sure my other two kids remained sleep and their school clothes were out and they had everything they needed for the day. Because my contractions were so close, my cousin agreed we needed to call the ambulance. Of course she called them for me and because my labor was moving rather quickly, I called also. They confirmed that they were also on the phone with her and that they were on the way. I was instructed to stay on the phone until the ambulance arrived and no matter what I did, do not push. It was so scary doing this without my husband. All I could do was pray. Once my cousin arrived, the ambulance arrived a few minutes later. They took me out while the kids were still sleep. My body did laboring on its on and I could not control my pushing. My water broke on the ambulance. As soon as I arrived into the triage room, the doctor came in and said push. I pushed 2 times and she was here. I prayed the entire time on the ambulance that we would make it to the hospital and we did. IV was inserted on the ambulance as well. This baby was delivered natural. This was my scariest delivery. I fell in love the moment I laid my eyes on her. My husband and I had planned to use Facebook messenger so he could see it but she came too quick and he didn’t have internet service when I called. Once my mom arrived baby girl was already here. I face timed the hubby so he could see her and he was so hurt he missed the experience. She looked just liked him. It was then he gave me her first and middle name. Her first name means messenger and her middle name means the female name of the Angel Michael. After she was born a prophet came to me and said God is pleased with her name..
Each pregnancy has been different thus far. Each child has their own unique birth story and it all shapes their personality. Motherhood is an awesome gift and should not be taken likely… Thanks for journeying with me every step of the process for all 3 of our children thus far… I look forward to sharing with you what I have learned as a mom; working mom and stay at home mom and just being a mom all together. Take this journey with me of motherhood of 3.