
Proverbs 18:24 New King James Version (NKJV)

A man/woman who has friends must show himself/herself friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother/sister.

As a child, you may not understand this scripture, but as an adult it becomes clearer. Throughout my life I have met a lot of people. Some were good encounters and some were bad encounters. But through it all, I have never been quick to call you my sister or my friend. There are characteristics that qualify you to hold those titles in my life.

The beginning of this scripture states someone who has friends must show themselves friendly. It starts with you. What does that mean? Glad you asked. You are to bear the characteristics of friend.

  • Smile
  • Show love unconditionally
  • Be genuine
  • Be honest
  • Invest wise counsel
  • Don’t back bite, don’t be jealous, don’t be envious
  • Give without conditions, etc.

When I lived these principles without fully understanding these principles; in the third grade, I gained a lifetime friend. True friendship doesn’t require you to be fake. You are received just as you are. You are loved immediately and your first encounter is as if you have known each other all of your life. When you are together there is a joy that comes over you. You feel free… They are heaven sent to walk with you through this thing called life.

I was also blessed with a sister who happens to also be my cousin. On the onset of growing up we eventually didn’t have sisters (I will explain just a moment) so we agreed to be sisters and not just cousins. We shared everything. We wrote letters each day until we met again. We hugged each other, played together, cried together; even mirrored life achievements together. We were so inseparable even our parents had to give in to let us spend the night from time to time. We went to the same college, completed the same degree, worked together and also lived together. (My buddy).

At the age of 5, I was given a sister whom I loved dearly. She was a beautiful baby. In just the short time of knowing her, I loved her and cherished every moment with her. Even though her life was short lived; she left a great impression on the lives that met her. She went back to the Lord at the age of 11 months if I am remembering correctly.

As I got older, I realized I had more sisters that I had not met. Once I met them, I loved them with open arms. Due to life circumstances we may not have grown up together but I always loved them and thought of them constantly. Yahweh saw fit to bring one sister back into my life as an adult and I love her dearly. You are my sister and I love you dearly.

As an adult I went on to college and discovered another cousin/sister was there. We too grew up together, played together, took treats to school and only shared with each other, even had boy friends that were friends. Lol. Oh the things you do as a child. As soon as I saw her I loved on her and cherished the moments we shared together. Throughout the seasons of life we manage to come back together, grow together, separate and come back together at the times we needed each other the most. You too are my sister…

I met a female while working in a gas station that later became my sister in Christ. We worked together a few times on the same shift alone. We talked from time to time and hung out from time to time. We remained cordial and one day we shared a conversation that led me to visit her church. The message spoke to me beyond measure. This person was a messenger used by God in and out my life to comfort me in my most pivotal moments of my life. We didn’t talk daily, but when we did it was always a divine assignment. Her hand is also in this circle. You are my sister.

It was after college that I started to work my first corporate job that I met 3 beautiful ladies that I would later call my sisters in Christ. Each position I held there, allotted me the opportunity to meet someone that would love me unconditionally. They too were instant divine connections. We became inseparable for the seasons we shared. One female; management tried to separate us at work to discover they had no choice but to sit us next to each other. These were three angels assigned to me. We ate lunch together and hung out together outside of work. They attended family functions and were even apart of Divine Diva’s Ministry. I felt free when I was with them and they each provided me with essential Godly wisdom to survive as a woman. One of them have their hand in this picture. I will always love them. You are my sisters.

As the years went by, I met other sisters in Christ and gained 3 sisters through marriage. It was my prayer for Yahweh to send me people in my life that truly loved me for me and were enthused about my best interest in life. Allow them to be honest with me and not tear me down but build me up. Allow them to appear at the right time to be the supplemental pieces in my life that were feasible to my survival. Show me if they were meant to be a lifetime, season or reason in my life. Immediately reveal to me those that came in my life to remain on the outer courts of my life but to be kept close enough to know their intentions to be one step ahead of them. This was the beginning of a covering around me and from that moment on I began to attract sisters as friends that were closer than a blood sister.

The circle of hands you see represented in the picture is a symbol of no matter where you go there will always be a circle that surrounds you with love, prayer and sincerity. Don’t lose hope if you don’t have someone like this in your life. Change your perspective. Change your view or change the way you present yourself when you are out. Remember you attract what you carry on the inside.

Even today Yahweh continues to send me sisters in Christ wherever I go… you know who you are. I love you all dearly. Please do not take offense if you don’t find your own story of how we met and how our relationship evolved in this post. Know who you are and your position in my life knowing that I love unconditionally and you are not minimal in my life. It would take chapters to describe how each one of you have had a great influence in my life. The point of this post is to inform other women that there are genuine sisters on this side of earth that will love you unconditionally and help you grow, mature and make it through the obstacles in life. I am grateful for all my sisters/friends. Individually you are/have been told how much I appreciate you.


  • let’s love on each other unconditionally
  • build each other up
  • encourage each other
  • older ones teach the younger ones
  • don’t covet other’s spouses
  • remove jealousy and envy
  • don’t let your perception cloud truth

If you have a sister/friend, let her know how much you appreciate her.

Please don’t forget to comment in the comment section and do share with others. Love on purpose!

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Sisterhood was created by God to be cherished, appreciated and valued! Love you ladies. 😘

2 thoughts on “Sisterhood

  1. This was a great read about sistership. It’s inspirational and honest. I love you too buddy!! You have and will always be my baby sis.

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