If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
It seems like a dream or maybe just a movie being played out right before our eyes. Changes are happening daily! Rules are getting stricter. People are now submitting to a curfew. There is a limited supply of certain amenities for your house to include food and cleaning agents. Businesses are closing. Restaurants are closing; social distance has been implemented. Churches are now going live on social media due to the 10 man/woman capacity at any gathering outside of the home. Schools are now closed for set dates with the opportunity to extend the date of reopening. People are loosing money in their 401k. Fear is crawling into the hearts and minds of the people. The news is constantly updating the people with the spread of the virus. People are dying and the traditional ways of funerals have now changed. Face to face interactions are now being limited. Yet there are still people having to work that are not at gas stations, restaurants, hospitals, post offices, etc. even with social distancing. People are fighting over toilet tissue in the stores and this list goes on and on.
As I read the post on Facebook, watch the behavior on the news, listen to the hearts of the people around me, I feel the need to encourage the people. Yahweh did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. Fear provokes anxiety and worry. The scripture states do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. A sound mind is derived from presenting your requests to God. There is a peace that only our God Yahweh can provide. When we are faced with moments like these where things seem to be out of our control; it is when we are to lean to Yahweh for guidance and peace! Our understanding creates worry and speculation and assumption which in return escalates fear. It is Yahweh that should guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus! When things are allowed it will always turn around for our good. It takes faith to proceed and trust in a God that hears all, sees all and knows all. Nothing catches him by chance. Just as the flood during the times of Noah did not catch Him off guard nor does the corona virus catch Him off guard. It is during these times we are to press into Yahweh with prayer for the nation.
2 Chronicles 7:14 starts out with if; which implies a conditional clause. There is a directive given that precedes the move of Yahweh. Notice it states, if my people. There is an elite group of people that this scripture applies to; otherwise it would have stated if people which are called by my name. There is a certain status of people that Yahweh is waiting on to make a request before His hand will move that are called by His name. There is a relationship that establishes the heard voice of the called. The next request is for His people to humble themselves. Humility involves showing a low estimate of ones own importance. It is realizing that it is not about you. It is not for those with a prideful heart groomed from a self centered heart. His people are to pray. Remember the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous availeth much. So with this being said; there is a righteous call He is listening for. There is a sound in the vibration of the earth that Yahweh is waiting to hear from. Not only are they to pray, they are instructed to seek his face. He inhabits the praises of His people. They are to get before Him and worship Him in spirit and in truth; requesting Him to create in them Oh God a clean heart and renew the right spirit within them. There is then a level of repentance. They are to turn from their wicked ways. There is a way that you live that causes Yahweh to turn His face from you and NOT hear your prayers in heaven. When the prayers of the people are not heard; heaven does not have any instructions to manifest in the earth realm and sin runs rampart without conviction. Sin must be forgiven before healing can take place in the land. This scripture is rich with detail that often gets overlooked. There is always instructions and submissions required in order for the hand of Yahweh to heal the land of the people.
When Yahweh allows something of this magnitude to manifest in the earth realm; there is a message He is trying to deliver to those that have an ear to hear. Instead of focusing on the negative realities we are to walk by faith and stand on what Yahweh is doing. Due to this shut in; I suggest the following are great opportunities to implement or think about implementing in your household:
- Family time
- Prayer time
- Family dinner time at home
- Less time away at work to consume family time
- Schools are closed for family values and beliefs to be taught and applied
- History is being written
- No sports gatherings, concerts, theatres access but there is unlimited access without distractions to Yahweh!
In the beginning Yahweh created family. In the beginning he instructed them to subdue the earth and be fruitful and multiply. He desired for the family to be a reflection of the church. How far have we strayed away from the true image of family and the church? How many of us have made the church a building? How many of us have placed our trust in our jobs, traditions of men, our leaders, social status, and our money? How many of us have been forced to abandon our family for the sake of a business remaining open at all cost? How many of us have became spoiled by the access and consumption of things? How many of us have placed idols before Yahweh? How many of us have stopped praying and truly worshipping Yahweh and not a gospel artist or a good sound but worship through relationship with Yahweh? Do you even know Him? Do you trust Him? Do you trust His word? Do you stand for righteousness? Selah.
If we are to defeat this pandemic, there a few things we must do as the body of Christ.
- Desire a relationship with Yahweh through Jesus Christ
- Get baptized; commit to a church
- Get connected with the ministry to understand your gifts
- Operate in those gifts
- Read your Bible daily and not only be a hearer of the word but become a doer of the word
- Remain humble
- Pray without ceasing
- Seek Yahweh’s face unapologetically
- Turn from your wicked ways and repent
Totally surrender your life to Jesus. Get in the right posture for Yahweh to hear you from heaven. Command the angels to move according to your faith and the words you set in motion from your mouth that is fruitful with the Word! Remember Yahweh always gives us a chance to get right with Him! Utilize this time wisely!
We as the body of Christ have a work to do. Let’s create a revival that draws the people back to repentance. Cause the people to desire the more of Yahweh like never before. Create an atmosphere that breaks the yokes and the bondage of the people due to lack of knowledge, generational curses, idolness and selfishness. Don’t allow the building to limit your reach to the people. Use what is before us: social meadia, conference calls, zoom, etc. Remove racism and create unity as a family in the fold of Yahweh covered in the blood of Jesus!
If this post has encouraged you; leave a comment in the comment section below. Share with others to encourage them as well. Subscribe to the blog by entering your email below and clicking on the button to be notified every time I make a blog post via email. I love you all. Let’s change the world one life at a time. It’s praying time!!!
Awesome word indeed my Queen! Now is time for those who believe in the Yahweh and His word to rise up and submit ourselves unto God like never before. No fear can overtake us nor any surprise for our God who knows all will and has prepared us for such a time as this.
I love that your promoting the body of Christ to get our houses in order while we have the time to do so. So many have been affected by this sickness orchestrated in evil intent that we can easily forget how Yahweh is for us!
Thank you for your wisdom and encouraging word my lady. Never stop your doing the will of Yahweh for your life.
So very proud of you!
Your Best friend, lover, Babies daft, Husband 😎
You are my greatest fan whom I love dearly. Thanks so much for your love and continued support. Together we will remain encouraged and faithful in the Word of God as we spread the gospel together. We must continue to look towards the hills for which cometh our help. Love you always!
That summarize everything. Your words of encouragement is so true . God is greater than all things. Was by faith not fear.
Amen mom! Thanks so much for mom for your continued love and support always!
Awesome word indeed
Thank you Sampson
Amen sister!! There is definitely a message that applies to what’s going on in this world today. Just as Teddy Pendergrass once stated [wake up everybody no more sleeping in bed]. Weve all slept too long to where fear has made his way and this Corona virus shouldn’t do nothing but wake everyone up to realization on knowing that the end is near.. As the bible says in the book of Mark 13:8 ” For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be earthquakes in divers places, and there shall be famines and troubles: these are the beginnings of sorrows.” This has to happen in order for OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST to make his appearance! He’s the AUTHOR and the FINISHER , THE ALPHA AND OMEGA,The 1st and the LAST, THE BEGINNING AND THE END , which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. All in all, love like you’ve never loved before, teach your kids what you’ve been put here to teach,give without mummerings, seek him, pray without ceasing, ask and it shall be given,knock etc.. If we havent realized it yet,the weather is at its worst. All this gloomy wet rainy hot and cold thunder storming weather is to keep us down and depressed etc. So that in our minds we manifest what we are thinking. That is what brings the spirit of fear and death. But, 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Amen sis you opened my eyes to the REAL AS YOU ALWAYS BRING TO THE TABLE… You are blessed and highly favored. I love you!
Thanks sis and glory to Yahweh! It is truly time for the sons and daughters to rise up and subdue the earth and tune their ears to what the spirit is saying.
Well said.. Now is the time.. Soon the Father will be silent.. HE TOLD US HE WILL NOT STRIVE WITH MAN FOREVER.. time to get your relationship right with HIM get your heart fix on HIM
Amen Sis. Thanks so much for your continued support and love. May Yahweh be glorified
This was a very beautiful and meaning blog. I am struggling with something in my life but your blogs always seem to come right when I need them. God places people in our midst to be a blessing or a lesson and you’re definitely a Blessing!! Keep encouraging and keep blessing
Thanks and all glory unto Yahweh! So glad the blogs have truly been encouragement to you. May the Lord continue to keep you and strengthen you during this season of our lives. Stay encouraged and continue to trust in Yahweh and His Word at ALL times. Love you always!
This is a powerful message. You should really make this a VLOG. I think it would be well received if you spoke these words to those who are not good readers or can’t read at all.
This is needed. I have been struggling with fear and anxiety, not because I don’t have faith but because I have a weak immune system and don’t want the virus to invade my body as I’m not sure I would have a good outcome. I’m staying prayed up but my heart gets heavy every day the virus claims more lives and finds its way into more hosts. Thank you for caring and sharing. Love you!!
Thanks buddy and to God be all the glory! I will definitely think about this. Trying to wait on my cheek to go down from oral surgery before doing a video.
Father Yahweh I ask that you cover my sister from the top of her head to the sole of her feet allowing no sickness or disease to come nigh her dwelling. Be a shield around her family. Keep them under the shadow of the almighty.
This is truly a sad time and definitely a praying time. Funerals are even handled differently during this season we are in.
I love you buddy always! Remain encouraged!
Thank you, I needed that encouragement.
You are so welcomeZ so glad you enjoyed it and it was an encouragement for you! To God be the glory!
You are welcome
Awesome awesome message,
This is exactly what we needed to hear and exactly what we need to be doing!
Well said Queen
Hello. Thank you so much and to God be all the glory!