Love The Skin You Are In…

The older I get, there is a peace I love to keep. When I began my early twenties, I realized I didn’t like drama nor did I want it in my vicinity; so I kept my surroundings sacred and was very picky of who I allowed in my inner circle. I was always friendly and always ready to spread love. I treated everyone the same despite the world view of their status or color. I remained true to self and Yahweh despite what others attempted to indoctrinate that was contrary to TRUTH! I understood my worth and I understood who I was. I knew that Yahweh created a unique individual with a purpose that only I could fulfill. He never created me to imitate anyone else nor change my appearance to fit in crowds. My color, my hair, my size, my shape, everything about me was made to reflect Him in its unique existence. I created my own normal and I loved who she was and who she was becoming. When you discover that once you change you to fit in; you lose purpose and focus of living and start to just exist being tossed to and fro by every trend or in thing that is present for the moment. Stop! Look in the mirror. Embrace what you see. Smile, and begin to tell yourself that you are beautiful. Ask yourself, who am I? What was I called to do in this lifetime? Move into purpose and let Yahweh guide your flow and your trend.

As life evolved I began to adopt a new level of confidence that didn’t depend on my self will. I lean, trusted, and depended on Yahweh to identify me, to call me, to tell me who I was and to continue to shape and mold me into who He wanted me to be! Despite the pain, the tears, the hurt and the opportunities to purposely be overlooked I NEVER doubted who I was and whose I was! I stood tall day after day loving unconditionally despite the many No’s I received or the disappointments because I did not fit in and yet I made myself vulnerable to be hurt all over again knowing and trusting that Yahweh was my provider and my ultimate sustainer! His word declares that we are to be in the world but not of the world. Though I live in the world, I need not become like the world. In other words exist in their world but live in the things of the supernatural as your sustainer. Don’t look to man for validation, look to Yahweh for acclamation. Hold your head up high knowing you are a child of the King! Be the queen that you are even if you are different!

In moments where I should have given up or became depressed; I acknowledged Yahweh in All my ways knowing He would direct my path. Once I decided to release fear and adopt faith; it was then my life took on a new form and I began to understand that No weapon formed against me shall prosper and that if Yahweh be for me who could be against me and what the enemy meant for evil, Yahweh was turning around for my good and greater was He that was within me than he that was in the world; and my strength continued to build and my hope grew stronger and then I began to hold the things I prayed for; not in my timing but right on time. You see Yahweh is looking for an authentic replica of Him in the earth realm to represent Him. He dwells with the one that lives for Him and acknowledges Him in all their ways and it is He that directs their path. He is the author and finisher of their faith. In return He gets the glory for the works they perform in obedience to His leadership. Oh what a surrender, but what a great reward! So what if it appears strange to the masses, STAND anyway!

Year after year there were test of my faith where No one but Yahweh could get the glory because with man it would be impossible. Every time I shared the testimonies, I could hear the whispers on the inside of others saying is this real, did this really happen, can this really be true? When Yahweh ordains a moment in life, carnal minds can not fathom the magnitude of the manifestation of a blessing that once explained seems unreal. Supernatural manifestations are never meant to understood, but received knowing that there is a Yahweh that sits high and look low. There is a Yahweh that responds to his children when He is called and when He get the glory it is not minimal but major and it does not abide by man’s rules because there are no limits with Yahweh! Why not follow an existence that provides a sure way that leads to life and life more abundantly?

It was then that Yahweh was building me brick by brick and filling me with his cement of love, patience, joy, peace and spiritual prosperity and maturity. I was broken on purpose to be built back together to an identity that could NEVER return to its original state! From caterpillar to a butterfly. It was often prophesied that I would be misunderstood and that I was broken on purpose but when I come out I will NOT look like what I went through. In other words I would become an existence never seen or experienced before. I gained wings and began to soar. It was my guardian angel that spoke the words to me, “Wake up!”

Today I stand before you at peace with who I am and who I am becoming daily! I am an advocate for Yahweh and a keeper of peace! My soul yearns for truth and my mental capacity grows with every doctrine from the heavens and my movement is dictated by the strides of the spirit directing my every move. I am a woman no doubt with dreams and goals that are predicated on the perfect will of Yahweh my provider and He has given me a beautiful family to experience His glory and love for family. Each day I am pressing towards the mark of the high calling; making mistakes along the way and getting up day after day trying again without fail. GET UP! MOVE!

I say to you, keep your peace, discover your identity, maintain a relationship with Yahweh, trust His will for your life, live a life of faith and divorce fear! Stand for righteousness and cleanse your heart and repent to ensure the right spirit is the author of EVERY decision you make! You are chosen!!! Love the skin that you are in, looking forward to the immortal suit you will graduate to in the end!

Be blessed men and women of Yahweh! This post is meant to inspire the man or woman that has been told you are not good enough, or the one that has endured some major setbacks in your life and you feel like you are not worthy to exist! You are beautiful and You MATTER!

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18 thoughts on “Love The Skin You Are In…

  1. Awesome buddy. Very encouraging to everyone. A testimony of God’s love and promise to us all.

    1. Thanks buddy. I truly appreciate this. Amen Sis! It is an inner desire for me to encourage people and to let them know that they do matter and that they are not alone. God loves us all and I love you too. Thanks for your comment and continued support.

  2. This was awesome! Inspiring and fire starting!! Pick your self up again, Make God totally you Lord and source, and security! Divorce fear and Get up and move. Let God author your steps. I love it all! Make God likeness the goal, bring grace to earth! I love this!

    1. Amen my sister queen! Yahweh is faithful! It is time for the people of God to wake up! Thanks so much for your continued love and support in all I do. It is greatly appreciated. To God be the glory in your life and to everyone that read this post.

      1. When you embrace your DNA and accept your uniqueness God will work wonders in your life. This was right on time. Amen!!!

  3. Awesome Blog, Sis! God made us all unique individuals with Purpose! The father is Amazing. Be blessed.

    1. Thank you. Amen He sure did! Yes He is. You too and thank you so much for your response. Our Heavenly Father is amazing in All His ways!

  4. “Move into purpose and let Yahweh guide your flow and your trend.” He sets the pace.
    So good, timely and encouraging. Knowing who we are in Him makes all the difference and provides a level of peace, clarity, strength that the world cannot provide.

    Thank you!

    1. Amen and you are welcome. Thanks so much for your comment and for taking the time to read this blog post.

    2. Amen! I came up with a saying when I was an adjunct instructor- when you know who you are, whose you are and your purpose in life the world can not define you!

      Knowing who you are allows you to live an authentic life; free of fakeness and being an imitation or puppet. You know what to say yes to and what to say no to.

    1. Thanks my friend. Outstanding and you are welcome. It is meant to get people in a state of positive energy loving self and moving forward in the things that will edify them and not tear them down.

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