Our Fourth Gift

Our first son was three years old when his first sister was born. When we told him we were pregnant he said I really want a brother. Needless to say, Yahweh chose to give us a daughter instead. When he first saw her it was love at first. He immediately gave her a kiss on the cheek and we captured that very moment. As time went on and she got older, he realized he had someone to play with. She became his best friend.

Three years later, we informed both of our children that we were having another baby. Cp said I hope it is a brother. Boom Boom didn’t care which one it was. At the ultrasound we all found out it was another girl. Cp said awe man another girl. It was at that point he said, “I wish I had a brother.”

One evening my husband was standing in the garage and he stated, “Yahweh please give me another son.” As a caring wife I came to the room and prayed for Yahweh to grant my husbands desire. I never told him what I had done.

Three months later, my husband and I discovered we were pregnant. As a surprise we did not tell anyone we were pregnant until after our 12 week check up. As a surprise to the kids we took them to the appointment. At first they had no clue what was going on. Then Cp said mommy are we having another baby? I said yes we are. He said do we know what it is? The ultrasound tech said normally we can’t tell this early but I will see. Sure enough she was able to tell and she said it is a boy. The kids started dancing and tears rolled down my eyes because I knew God had answered our prayers. It was after the appointment we called our moms and siblings to let them know we were pregnant with a little boy. At 12 weeks he looked like my husband. We were too excited for what Yahweh had done!

6 months later I went to an ultrasound appointment to discover I was having contractions and our baby heart rate went down a little. They suggested I go to the hospital immediately. The hubby and I informed our family that we were admitted to the hospital and the baby would be coming soon.

Needless to say they started the IV with 3 failed attempts. The 4th time the anesthesiologists was able to get it first try. There was no need for any meds to start labor because I started having contractions immediately after they broke my water. The hubby and I agreed we would do this delivery natural. The contractions were a beast but I weathered them all. Even did my hair while contracting; which the nurse thought was brave.

Moments later my midwife Tiffany came and prayed me on through labor. The nurse said I will be back in an hour to check how much you have dilated. She said if anything becomes unbearable let me know. I prayed for Yahweh to speed the process up and in 15 minutes my body was contracting and pushing on its own. It was at that moment I remembered what happened when I delivered Anjel. I said babe call the nurse. Sure enough I was 10 centimeters dilated. They were on the phone with my doctor to see if I could wait until she got there and I said “NO” and my husband said “NO”. We knew the baby was coming NOW. While they tried to make up their mind, I started pushing and as they were telling me to wait, I let out a scream to let them know I am not stopping and he was here with just two pushes.

He was so handsome. All of the pain went away immediately and we were both holding what we both prayed for. He didn’t get any formula at the hospital; just breast milk. I was determined to feed him breast milk.

CJ we prayed for you baby! You are an answered prayer! You are proof that Yahweh still responds to the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous. Pray, believe and receive! Our 4th baby on this side of earth is proof. Never loose hope for what you are believing for. His story will continue to be written. Love you CJ.

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