Taking a moment to sit down and relax and I just started thinking…
Over half of my life I grew up in SC and I loved to travel. Most of my travel has consisted of cruises, Vegas, Chicago, Myrtle Beach, Charleston, North Carolina, Savannah, Atlanta, Tennessee, Florida, etc; however I only lived in SC. I wanted to travel abroad and started having kids with my awesome husband. Because we are a close family and enjoy exposing our kids to new things we slowed down the idea of going abroad until they get older.
For the first time since we have been married, my husband was given the opportunity to move away and we accepted. I must say we truly missed the beaches in SC and FL and the mountains in Tennessee because that is all we knew or shall I say all I knew and our kids because my husband has done a lot of traveling with the military. Our kids said can we please go to the beach on numerous occasions since we’ve moved to OKC.
Since we have moved we have taken them to a BEAUTIFUL resort in San Antonio Texas and two resorts in Branson Missouri. They have had a blast at both places and we look forward to exploring more places near.
We were planning to go on a cruise this year with the little people, but with the corona virus that was cancelled; we had to re-think family outings because we have created a generation of travelers and they don’t truly understand why we can’t travel like we use to.
Our first family adventure since the pandemic was to Red Rock Canyon and it was our first hiking trip and the kids had a blast and has not stopped asking to go. The next adventure was to Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge and again our kids were amazed by climbing the mountain, seeing live Bison and longhorns. The most recent trip was to Roman Nose State Park with hiking trails and natural springs. Since the kids love the water and have been asking to go to the pool we figured this would be an awesome opportunity for them to get into the water. Needless to say; once again they were so excited. They looked forward to discovering the hiking trails that led you to mini waterfalls and springs. Overall we have had a blast.
Even though we may hear I am looking forward to going back home to the beach; we now hear when are we going back hiking or to the spring water pool that they call it. They were so excited to tell their grandmother about their adventure yesterday!
At times we can explore something and really like it and get stuck there. Sometimes being stuck doesn’t mean it is bad; it just means you are limited. You can only manage what you have the capacity to see and hold. What we see can also dictate our limited viewpoint. It is when we seek and find to discover more that we realize that there is so much more out there that we have yet to enjoy. Hence going to parade of homes seeing homes you can’t afford yet. You don’t know it exist or how to consume it if you never saw it! Expand your vision and you expand your reach!!!
The moment the spirit echoed to me and said ask your husband if he is ready to leave SC lets do it, I knew my life would NEVER be the same. We had no clue where we would go; we just trusted Yahweh with our next assignment. Sometimes you have to step out on faith and move with Yahweh. He knows your end as well as your beginning. Trusting Him has always been the greatest thing in my life. The moment we decided to live outside of comfort; we started to live a life without human limits and began to trust a limitless God!!!
Moral of the story; don’t limit yourself to only what you know, explore a little to the things you don’t know and you just might like it. We did and we are looking forward to our next adventure all while social distancing. My motto: Live life to the fullest without regret!!!
Take the Limits Off!!!