Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew his wife….
The dictionary defines the word know as to be aware of through thorough observation, inquiry, or information. The past tense of know is knew. Knew is defined as you had an awareness of, were familiar with, or were certain about something. It is possible to know someone and then knew someone.
According to the Hebrew dictionary, the idea of “knowing” in Ancient Hebrew is similar to our understanding of knowing but is more personal and intimate. We may say that we “know” someone, but do we really know them? We may mean we “know” of his or her existence, but in Hebrew terminology, one can only “know” someone if they have a personal and intimate relationship with them. In Genesis 18:19, Elohim says Abraham, “I know him” meaning he has a very close relationship with Abraham. In Genesis 4:1 it says that Adam “knew Eve his wife” implying a very intimate relationship.
In this blog I want to talk about the term know/knew from different perspectives. In the above paragraph we are given two examples. The first instance states, Elohim knew Abraham because he had a relationship with him. The second instance states Adam knew Eve. Each instance derives from the place of being knowledgeable of someone.
Let’s start with the first instance. In order to know Yahweh, you have to spend time in His word. You have to become one with His word. The word should take on flesh via application of the word. The two of you shall become one because you have spent time in Yahweh’s presence. You have talked with Him. You have prayed with him and let Him speak back to you via the Holy Spirit. You have tested His word and reaped the harvest of it accomplishing that which it was sent out to do. You have established a testimony for yourself. No matter what happens in your life, you will always choose Him. No matter what circumstance you face in life, you will always choose His way to direct you through it. If anybody ask you about Him; you can explain Him with ease. You know Him. The only way to know Him is to spend time with Him.
The second instance is Adam knew his wife. This know is described as a sexual encounter with Eve. Because in knowing Eve; they conceived. This type of knowing is defined as an experience with your spouse only. Any knowing with any other person than your husband or wife is defiling the marriage bed. Knowing was created for the sacredness of two becoming one. You ever noticed how the sexual parts of a man and a women were meant to connect and bring pleasure to each other. It is in the knowing two souls become one and their DNA is exchanged in an act of pleasure that has the ability to create a conception. The bodily fluids exchanged from the hunger and thirst of each other is a pleasure-able experience that only Yahweh could design. When what Yahweh put together unravels the mystery of the two becoming one again it brings delight to the church. Marriage is defined through the lens of a husband loving his wife like loving the church. Your body is a temple. Imagine what happens when two temples filled with the Holy Spirit can create when they become one. A child is a heritage from the Lord and the fruit of the womb. Man plants a seed and woman carries and births the fruit of her husband and their labor. To know your spouse is to create an intimate moment that reproduces growth. The next time you lay down with your spouse and get to know them, really get to know them.
You can also knew Yahweh and your spouse. In other words knew is the past tense of know. I once knew my spouse but now I don’t know my spouse anymore. I lay down with my spouse and have intercourse but I don’t even know who I am sleeping with. Their body is there but their mind is somewhere else. There is no satisfaction; it is just an act. I no longer have my spouse attention and participation. Knowing someone means constant communication with them and intentional time well spent with them knowing them. People change and if you stop communicating; you stop knowing each other in the bedroom. The two don’t reproduce anything. They both get up empty. Knowing causes a reproduction in every area of your life! It is life changing. Due to lack of knowledge; your marriage will perish.
On the other hand you can once knew Yahweh but because you have fell back into the world and stopped communing with Him in His presence and stopped reading the word you know of Him but you no longer know Him because you have been so out of touch with Him that your relationship seems distant and lacks any intimacy. So now when you make reference to Yahweh, you say yes I know of Him. Pay attention to the use of words. When you know Him; you say I know Yahweh. To know His word and not live His word is a waste of knowledge. The root word of knowledge is know. Due to the lack of knowledge people will perish.
Don’t just create a fancy bedroom, create an atmosphere for Yahweh to dwell in and sit with you while the two of you commune together in knowing each other in spirit and in truth like Yahweh intended it to be. Fill each other’s love tanks until you thirst no more. Leave each other filled so the mere thought of knowing each other brings pleasure to your soul. Remember to love Yahweh with all your heart, soul and mind. When you know Him; you can know your spouse productively. Out of an undefiled bed comes much fruit! What are you and your spouse reproducing?
Choose to know!
Yes & Amen. Great word sis!
This is so on point! ❤️
Thank you so much my beautiful sister. To Yahweh be the glory!
Very well put together my sistah!! May God bless you for keeping and spreading his word. The wisdom that was given in this blog is PURE. Love it!
Thank you so much my sister. Amen and Amen. To God be the glory! Glad it was edifying! Please do share!
Sis this was a very good read and full of nuggets! Well put together. Loved it.
Thanks Sis! To Yahweh be the glory! So glad you enjoyed it. Your comment is greatly appreciated and means a lot.