Our First Born


It was during our one year anniversary in Tennessee while enjoying the mountains for a few days that I was expecting at least one day I would see my monthly visitor. Well needless to say, she never showed up. We went to Dolly World, all of the Ripley’s, went to Ober Gatlinburg and rode up the mountain, rode the helicopter together for the first time and lots more together. We were having a good old time. It was the evening we went to play miniature golf that I discovered I was having a tantrum. I did not want to get out the car because it was midst raining, I wanted something to eat and I was just not in the mood to hang out. It was then I knew something was not right. Needless to say we enjoyed our anniversary trip and agreed that we would take a pregnancy test when we returned from Tennessee. We followed through and took the test and it was positive immediately. My husband and I were both shocked, happy and anxious. We decided not to tell the family until after we were 3 months and had truly went to the doctor to ensure we were truly pregnant. Once it was confirmed, we did like any other new parents would do, we started having the talks, we are going to have a new person with us, God has entrusted up with one of his own, will we be great parents, do we even know how to be parents, how do we want to raise him, and the list goes on and on.

We decided to have a huge July 4th barbecue and invite our family members from both sides of the family. We even invited our closest friends. It was right before dinner was served, my husband and I decided that we would make the announcement. No one had a clue what we were about to say because I was not showing at the moment. My husband said the grace and in the grace he stated we thank you Lord for the new addition we will be adding to our family. Continued the prayer until the end and it was when he said Amen, we looked up and my mom was crying. She said did I hear what I thought I heard and we said yes. The entire family was so excited for us and that became the topic of discussion for the remainder of the cookout.

Once we made the announcement to the family we began to share the news with our ministry family, friends and coworkers. As time went on we had 4 baby showers thrown for us- ministry, family and friends, coworkers, and my inlaws had a baby shower. Our little man was showered with gifts from everywhere. We prayed for him daily and even created a birth plan that did not happen.

It was on January 21 that my husband decided to purchase a new car for the family. That night we came home and I had a few cramps that were 30 minutes apart. I took a shower and got in the bed. At 4:00am I went to the rest room as normal and lost the remainder of my mucus plug and the contractions started immediately. I bared them alone until 7:00am. It was at that moment I knew I had to be in labor. The contractions were back to back but not strong enough to break my water at 38 weeks. I woke my husband and told him I was in labor. He did not believe me and proceeded with our previous plan for labor. It was at that moment I said BABE we have to go to the hospital. We got to the maternity floor and my husband informed the women at the desk that my wife thinks she is in labor. They said the worst can happen is we send her back home. They placed the baby on the monitor and measured me and I was in active labor. The hubby said what does that mean, the nurse said we will have a baby today.

We called everyone to let them know we were in labor. My mom drove an hour and 45 minutes to get there, my mother in law and sister in law drove 3 hours, my father in law and his wife drove over 6 hours, cousin, best friend, aunt, friends of the family all came to the hospital. Because I had a private room we had at least 30 people in the sitting room within the room waiting for Cp to be born. The labor was not bad at all after the epidural of course. We played worship music the entire time and my girlfriend recorded the entire birth. My mom was right there with me. Once he was washed up and dressed everyone came in the room to see him. He even received additional gifts while he was in the hospital. Needless to say our first born was loved by many. All of the love shown on this day to our son was overwhelming.

My husband and I took our baby boy home to start a life with him and we had continuous visitors for over a month coming to see our new bundle of joy… We cherished parenthood and sought God for instructions on how to raise this new bundle of joy… The journey will continue with Cp in post to come. Thanks for reading along with our first born journey into this world…

This is Cp heart….

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