Power of Agreement

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed.

Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.

There is power in agreement. If it were not so, Yahweh would have never said so in His word. There is power in two. People may say I can do good or bad all by myself, and that may be true; however you can do better with two. When Yahweh created man, He said let us make man in our image. There was agreement. There was the power of two. He also stated in His word that it was not good for man to be alone (all one) therefor He decided to make a suitable help mate for Adam. After creation, he said now be fruitful and multiply. There is fruitfulness and multiplication in two. One can flight a thousand but two can flight ten thousand. All of this is located in scripture. His word also declares that where two or three touch and agree on a thing, He will be in the midst. He inhabits the union of two. When you are on one accord, there is agreement and heaven moves. As a husband and wife (male and female) there is power in agreement.

Power is defined as the ability to do something. Agreement is defined as harmony; a position of agreeing. In other words, when two people come together in harmony, they are in a position of agreement that enables them the ability to do something. The opposite of agreement is disagreement. Disagreement is when there is a lack of consensus or agreement. Agreement is used to make sound decisions. In court you may hear, do you agree to tell the truth; the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you God? When signing a contract you agree to the terms that are written and it becomes a living document. When the sperm and an egg agree; life begins. Repeat after me; there is POWER in agreement.

The main focus of this blog is written for husband and wife. There are several things mentioned below that husband and wife should agree on. The first one is forgiveness. It is very important that we forgive our spouses immediately openly as well as within our hearts. The issues of life will flow from the heart and you do not want to have a bitter heart when it comes to your spouse. The scripture states create in me a clean heart and renew the right spirit within me. If we are not careful; we can hold resentment in our hearts that will in return cause us to become unloving towards our spouse. Hope deferred makes the heart sick. An unclean heart creates sickness. Your hope should always be in the Lord. The scriptures declare we are to love Yahweh with all our heart… out of the heart flows the issues of life. Jesus came that we would have life and life more abundantly! Make sure you breathe life and your heart pumps life so that you speak life in every area of your life! In return a clean heart and a right spirit agreeing as one creates harmony in the earth realm. Two hearts beat as one. Two minds come together and think alike in agreement. Two souls come together and create life spiritually and physically. Marriage is meant to be a duplicate of heaven. It is a reflection of heaven on earth. It is a reflection of creation. Two agree and create. Amos 3:3 they walk together! In order to walk together in the same direction you must agree!

The second thing husband and wife must agree on is unity in all things! Leave no room for openings! Touch and agree and unite on all fronts. Create a solid foundation built on TRUTH! Let the 3 strand chord be the two of you and Yahweh. (Period) Anything else is confirmation only! If it does not line up with Yahweh’s perfect will for your lives; cancel the assignment immediately! You were created for such a times as this to complete a mission together! If it were not so Yahweh would have never expressed that He hates divorce! His word declares what Yahweh has put together let NO man put asunder!

Third husband and wife must agree that Yahweh is the only God they will serve! They must stand on the principle that as for me and my house we will serve the Lord! They are to train their kids in the way of the Lord! Everything they own is the Lord including themselves. He is their potter and they are the clay. They will serve only one master. They will follow the voice of the ultimate shepherd and will not bow down or tune their ear to another! In doing so; Yahweh will withhold no good thing from them. He is a rewarder to them that diligently seek Him! Marriage is a covenant that is given as a reflection of Yahweh and there is power in agreement!

Agree together and watch what happens!

7 thoughts on “Power of Agreement

  1. Great lesson. I leave this which is welcoming in my relationship. As a couple, being together means our joys are doubled and our sorrow halved.

    In other words when something negative or sorrowful enters your life as a couple you share that burden together, you don’t have to care the weight alone.

    Joy, it’s nothing like two people feeling abundant happy with the beauty of what makes you happy.

    I love being with my mate. We like each other our positive energy makes us feel whole, energetic and alive.

    1. Wisdom in motion for sure! I truly appreciate your wisdom and you are absolutely right! Marriage is so beautiful and it is so amazing to have someone to share the good and the bad together as you grow together. You have a shoulder to lean on and where you are weak; they are strong!

      Thank you so much for your comment.

  2. YES! Love this! God is faithful and will do just what He promised! When we are aligned with His Word and each other we are unstoppable!

  3. Beautiful and very powerful words and sound insight … when our GOD sends me the mate that HE intended for me to have I will definitely use these tools.

    Thanks sis… good looking out.

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